All posts by Lillie

About The Founder: Lillie Kelley-Mozsy Blame it on the cod-liver oil I and my siblings took when anyone caught a cold growing up, at this stage in my life I try to avoid medicine. In fact, I haven’t taken medicine in 21 years. I’m holistic, I do no medicine I’m probably one of the few people that if you test my blood you wouldn’t find any medicine in it. I use ice and heat instead and other holistic remedies instead. I was born in 1947 and I have always lived an active life style, and I choose to remain active in spite of my age and body stiffness. I believe if you want to remain active and holistic at the same time, you need to have a proactive plan. My plan was to continue being active. When I turned 50 I started competing in the Senior Olympics. My coach told me to warm my core and my joints before running, and to use ice wraps after a run. There were so many choices on the market for wraps and pain relief, but I could not find any that were multifunctional and holistic. Therefore, I decided to invent the WhatEver PocKits,™ kit a detachable reconfigurable pocket assemblage. The components of the kit can be used individually or configured into a garment to help ease pain naturally. My inventive talents are the direct result of watching Mom and Dad take care of me and my siblings. I remember my Mom telling me to stuff my hot potato which she had prepared for my lunch into my coat pockets, so I could warm my hands as I walked to school in the winter. I remember my Dad taking an old box and make us banjos and guitars. He used leftover wood, (from building our attic)and old roller skates to make us skateboards. Robert Kelley Sr. and Louis Kelley believed where there is a will there is a way. I believe in this same philosophy.

Dog Anxiety And Weighted Backpacks

Dog Anxiety: Just like people, dogs get anxious sometimes.

Understanding Anxiety In Your Dog

Pounding heartbeat, sweaty palms, or shaky knees? We’ve all felt the effects of anxiety. Just like people, dogs get anxious sometimes. The good news is that there are lots of ways to help your beloved pet deal with anxiety. The first step is learning to recognize it.

How do you know if your dog is anxious?

Just like people, dogs get anxious about different things and show it in different ways. Identifying anxiety quickly will help you take action to minimize or eliminate the source. Some signs and behaviors are subtle, while others are pronounced and destructive.
• Panting or drooling.
• Trembling.
• Whining or whimpering.
• Cowering or trying to hide.
• Running away.
• Excessive barking.
• Chewing, scratching and tearing things apart such as wall trim, furniture, pillows, or upholstery.
• Excessive licking or chewing.

What is dog anxiety?

In people terms, think of dog anxiety as a stress reaction. Sometimes there’s a good reason for your dog’s stress. But if your dog becomes overly fearful or anxious when there is no real threat, it’s time to take action. Chronic anxiety is harmful to your dog’s physical and mental health. In extreme cases your dog may injure himself, people or other animals.

What are some triggers of dog anxiety?

Some triggers happen in a moment while others are related to your daily routine. Most triggers fall into one of four categories.
• Loud noises. Thunder and fireworks certainly top the list as a cause of anxiety. Loud noises from construction equipment, car and truck traffic, and firearms may be stressful, especially if they are unfamiliar to your dog. Smoke alarms frighten most dogs as do some household appliances such as a vacuum or blender.
• Separation. Dogs are pack animals so it’s not natural for them to be alone. Since their human family is their pack they may experience anxiety when separated. In addition, other pets in the household are part of the pack and separation may trigger anxiety. This often happens when another pet dies.
• Lack of exercise. Dogs need to be active both physically and mentally. Walking your dog (think exploring) daily will meet both needs. It’s also a great way to bond with your dog. Playtime is equally important. And so is teaching your dog new tasks.
• Social Stress. Your dog may get anxious when meeting new people or new dogs, especially in unfamiliar surroundings such as at a training class or dog park.

Dog Anxiety And  Weighted Backpacks

Weighted backpacks are vest-like garments designed to calm anxious dogs. The vests work under the premise that pressure applied to the dog’s torso causes a calming effect.

When worn correctly, a weighted backpack distribute pressure over the back and sides of the dog’s chest, serving as a calming “hug.” Scientifically, gentle pressure releases chemicals called endorphins that promote a sense of well-being.

Dog Massage Therapy and The Many Benefits

Separation anxiety by Dr. Karen Becker

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Weighted Dog Backpacks – Useful or Not?

Weighted dog backpacks: Many people see dog backpacks as a simple novelty. However weighted backpacks are a perfect way to give your dog some exercise.

Weighted Dog Backpacks 

How They Are Useful in Winter: Many people like to use weighted dog backpacks during the winter months. The packs are a perfect way to carry booties or treats. Even if your walks are short, the extra weight makes the activity level more intense.

Usefulness in Summer: Even though you need to watch the heat,  weighted dog backpacks come in handy during the summer. You’ll have a handy place for extra water for your dog. A portable water dish is easy to keep in the backpack for these summer trips.

Picking  a Backpack for Dogs

Weighted dog backpacks have features like water resistance and extra padding. You want to avoid trying to use a regular backpack on a dog. Designs intended for human use will not fit in the correct places.

Make Sure Your Sizing is Correct

In addition to getting a weighted  backpack designed for pet use, get the sizing right. You’ll want to measure around your pet’s chest to ensure a snug fit that’s not too tight. Also pick one appropriate for your dog’s weight, and avoid overloading.

To prevent overloading  for most dogs,  the  poundage should be no more than 10% to 12% of the dog’s  body weight.

Get the Veterinary Go-Ahead

It’s always a good idea to check with your vet before purchasing weighted dog backpacks. Certain breeds are prone to back issues that you must be careful about. You also want to make sure your dog’s overall health allows for rigorous exercise.

Give Your Pet Time to Adjust

Your dog might balk at weighted dog backpacks at first. Make sure you’re patient and give them time to adjust. Once they’re used to the pack, they’re likely to have more mental stimulation.

For more information on weighted back packs for dogs click here.

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Burned Dog Paws: What To Do

BURNED DOG PAWS: Walking on extremely hot surfaces can result in severe burns to a dog’s paws.


Asphalt is particularly damaging, softening under the heat of the sun and becoming like molten lava under your dog’s feet. Stepping in hot liquids or chemicals can burn the paws, resulting in severe injury and intense pain. Burned dog paws pose a serious threat to dog owners and cause significant distress for their four-legged friends.

How to Spot Burned Paw Pads

Signs of burned dog paws include limping, abnormal gait and attempts to stop walking altogether. Dogs may lick or chew their paw pads to soothe their feet. You should check for darkening of the skin on the paws and for any damage, such as cracks and tears. Examine the paws and surrounding area for blistering, peeling and redness.

How to Treat Burned Paws

Treat burned dog paws by applying a cold compress or immersing your dog’s feet in cold water for ten minutes. Gently cleanse the area to remove impurities that may be lodged in the paw pads. Carefully pat the feet dry and apply an antibiotic ointment. Be aware that signs of increased distress or infection may indicate the need for medical attention.

Preventing Burned Paw Pads

A great way to prevent burned dog paws is to walk your dog early in the morning or in the evening after the pavement has cooled off. Walking on grassy or shaded areas poses little threat of burns to your dog’s feet, since grass tends to remain cooler throughout the day.

Before walking your dog, perform the five-second test by placing the back of your hand on the ground. If you are not able to hold your hand in place for at least five seconds, the surface is too hot for your dog to walk on. Dog booties, made specifically for walking on hot pavement, are a great way to ward off burned dog paws. Choose booties made of mesh, which enhances air circulation and keeps your pooch comfortable even in the most intense summer heat.



The days of summer can be a great time to venture outdoors. By following these tips and remaining alert to your pet’s distress signals, you and your four-legged friend are sure to enjoy a healthy, happy and pain-free season.

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September Giveaway Terms – Conditions

September Giveaway

Multi Functional Dog Wrap and Attachments

September  Giveaway Terms & Conditions

Facebook link to enter the giveaway

No purchase is necessary to enter the September Giveaway.

The product that are being given away will be outlined on the individual post. No alternatives are offered and the products can not be exchanged for cash.

The number of winners is outlined on each giveaway and only this number will be selected.

The winner(s ) will be drawn randomly by number generator.

Odds of winning are based on the number of entries.

The closing date for the September Giveaway is outlined on the individual giveaway.

Only one entry is allowed per person.

If you enter the giveaway via Facebook you agree to a complete release of Facebook and you recognize that the giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered or associated with Facebook. Facebook link

Anyone in the U.S 18 or over may enter.

If you win you will be contacted via the e-mail address that you use to enter, or through social media if you entered that way. We will contact the winner within 5 days of the closing date of the giveaway.

You will have 7 days to respond.

Good Luck!

Tips On Wearing A Backpack, Cape or Vest

Dog Injuries: Sprains and Strains

Dog injuries are no fun for pets or pet owners.

Treating Dog Injuries

As animals with high energy levels, getting injured is an unfortunate reality for many dogs.

Generally, the most common dog injuries consist of sprains or strains due to the nature of how they use their legs and paws.

A strain is an injury to a tendon that connects muscles and bones and is common when active dogs stretch too far.

A sprain is an injury on the ligaments that link bones and can lead to joint damage. This can happen to any dog when a wrist or knee takes a hard hit.

There are a number of ways to treat these injuries, but hot and cold therapy are common practices that can used to help bring your dog relief.

How to Use Ice and Heat Therapy

Before using ice and heat therapy for dog injuries, it must first be determined what type of injury has occurred.

Ice Therapy

Ice therapy is the application of a frozen device, usually some form of an ice pack, on the affected area. When the ice is applied, it helps to reduce irritation and swelling, as well as relieve pain for your dog.

Heat Therapy

With heat therapy, its use combats muscle spasms, stiffness, and pain, and increases blood flow. It can be applied with wraps, heating pads, or heating blankets.

Which Injury, Which Therapy?

Now that you know two of the common types of therapy for dog injuries, it’s important to know when and how to use them. To be the most useful, each type of therapy should be used at certain times.

Due to its properties, heat therapy should be used immediately after an injury because it responds to symptoms that are typically experienced right away.

Ice therapy is most effective after a few days because it addresses the onset of symptoms that are experienced later.

Keeping Your Dog Safe

While there are many treatments available for dog injuries, the best one is prevention. Of course, your dog is going to continue to be active, but there are ways to help keep your dog safe while having fun.

To prevent sprains and strains, it is important to maintain an active lifestyle for your dog. Activity is important  even when your dog may not be able to go outside.

Furthermore, their general play area should be easy for them to move around in without tripping. Small changes like this can lead to better fun for you and your dog.

 Injuries to your dog  using retractable leashes by Dr. Karen Becker.

Joint Injuries In Dogs


Long Haired Dogs In Hot Weather

How to Make Your  Dog Comfortable in Hot Weather

When hot weather arrives, it can be particularly stressful for long haired dogs. Dogs do not have sweat glands like people. They only have a limited amount of sweat glands located in their paws. However, these few glands do little to help relieve heat exhaustion on very hot days. Panting can help relieve some of the effects of heat, but panting is not always effective either.

Long Haired Dogs: The Danger of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

As temperatures reach 85 and beyond, your long haired dogs could be in real danger of heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion occurs when your dog’s body temperature rises above its normal temperature of about 101 to 102 degrees. Temperatures above 102 degrees should be taken seriously. If this happens without intervention, heat stroke can develop leading to organ damage, heart failure, and death.

Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Since heat stoke is often fatal, it is essential for you to recognize the symptoms of both heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Early signs of heat exhaustion can be subtle, and at times, intervention often occurs when it is too late. But when you know what to look for, you can save your long haired dogs. Take note of the following symptoms, and if your furry friends display any of them, you will need to seek veterinary attention right away.

  • Excessive Panting and Drooling
  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
  • Bright Red or Bluish Gray Gums and/or Tongue
  • Lack of Coordination/Dizziness
  • Glazed Eyes
  • Rapid Heart Rate
  • Lethargy or Loss of Consciousness

Tips for Preventing Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke In Long Haired Dogs

The best way to avoid heat stroke in long haired dogs is to prevent heat exhaustion in the first place. There are many ways you can keep your long haired pup cool, and the following tips are among the best. Take heed of these valuable tips, and you can be sure that your dog will be comfortable in hot weather.

  • Keep Plenty of Water Handy for Your Dog
  • Bring Your Dog Indoors During Hot Weather
  • Never Leave Your Pup in a Hot Car
  • Trim But Never Shave Your Dog’s Hair (Dogs can get sunburnt too)
  • Walk Your Dog Early in the Morning or Late in the Evening When it is Cooler
  • If Your Dog Must Go Outdoors in Hot Weather, Make Sure Shade is Available

Knowing the symptoms of heat exhaustion in long haired dogs is essential to avoiding heat stroke. However, the best way to avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke is to prevent them in the first place. You can easily accomplish this by following the valuable tips outlined above.

Overheated Dog Don’t Panic Be Proactive


Overheated Dog Don’t Panic Be Proactive

Overheated dog: Dogs are man’s (and woman’s) best friend for sure which often means that we think they can do everything that we do. Unfortunately, this is not the case when it comes to tolerating the heat. In the summer months especially, it is important to be aware of the heat that your pup is exposed to and the risk it can pose to their health.

Overheated Dog and Heat Strokes 

How do you know if your dog is having a heat stroke?
If your dog is having a heat stroke, they will be panting and displaying other signs of discomfort. It is important to note that the dog won’t just be panting as they normally would, they will be doing so dramatically and showing other distress signs as well.

 Cooling Down An Overheated Dog?

So, your dog is overheated and you are panicked and trying to help them. The best thing to do is to get them out of the hot environment immediately, no matter the cost. This could mean cutting your trip to the beach a little short, but it is essential to your dog’s health. If your dog is unconscious, it is incredibly important to make sure that no water gets in the dog’s nose while you are going through these steps.

It may be tempting to give your dog a traditional medication like aspirin but professionals advise against doing this as it can lead to other problems down the road.

What Is The Fastest Way To Cool Down An Overheated dog?

If you can, you should get your dog to a bathtub and run a cool (NOT freezing cold) shower over them, focusing on the head and neck areas. This is the fastest way to lower the body temperature.

If you can’t get your pup inside, a garden hose and some kind of bowl/pool to catch the water in will work the same.

You can also try methods such as applying cold presses to the dog’s neck after the bath. A few other little things to try include rubbing the pup’s legs to increase circulation and letting them indulge in as much cold water as they want. Professionals suggest adding a pinch of salt to their water as this will help replace minerals lost during the time when the dog was overheated.

Preventive Measures

Luckily for dog owners, there are preventative measures that we can take to ensure that our pup does not get overheated. These include being aware of your pup’s physical state at all times as well as carrying plenty of water for your dog at all times and wearing a cooling cape.  Don’t take your dog along for your adventure if you know that the temperatures will make the dog uncomfortable and/or there is not a lot of shade. overheated dog

Is Your Pet Safe On A Hot Summer Day

To check out our products for dogs click here.

Labrador Retrievers Are Multifunctional

Why Labrador Retrievers are an Absolutely Awesome Breed.  Learn useful facts about the various traits that make the Labrador Retriever an outstanding choice for pet or service dog.

Labrador Retrievers

  • Labradors Are Active
  • A Disability Assistance Breed
  • Trained to Aid the Blind
  • Works Well With Those Who Have Autism

The Labrador Retriever is an excellent choice if you or your family have decided that you’d like to get a dog.  While you may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of breeds that exist, and it may be   hard to choose because most dogs just like the Labrador Retrievers are fun, loyal and a source of unconditional affection.

Most importantly the Lab is a versatile breed that is active yet easy to train and known for its sweet, helpful temperament. There are many reasons why the American Kennel Club has dubbed it “America’s most popular dog breed”

Labrador Retrievers Are Active

This breed is perfect for active people or families with high-energy children as the dog needs exercise and mental stimulation. Running, swimming, and hunting companion are just a few of the activities that Labs will enjoy sharing with their owners.

Labrador Retrievers Are A Favorite Disability Assistance Breed

The highly intelligent Labrador does very well with obedience training.  For instance a Lab  can  go above and beyond basic training to work as service dogs. With their outgoing personalities and eagerness to please, they are often used in search and rescue operations.

They are also a preferred breed to assist people with disabilities ranging from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to diabetes to seizures. With their calm demeanors and sunny dispositions, these dogs can provide wonderful service to those in need.

Labrador Retrievers Are Frequently Trained to Aid the Blind

The patient, hard-working Lab is often the dog of choice to serve as a guide to assist the blind in being able to achieve independence through gaining mobility.

As seeing eye dogs, they help to keep blind people safe in navigating them away from obstacles and objects they can not detect on their own.

Labrador Retrievers Work Well With Those Who Have Autism

Because of  their loving nature, the Labrador Retrievers frequently serves as a therapy dog for people with autism. They are trained to recognize if the person is becoming anxious and can help to soothe them.

If they sense the autistic person is going to have an episode where they may harm themselves, the Lab is trained on how to react preventatively.

The versatile and intelligent Labrador Retrievers would be a wonderful pet for virtually any household.

To purchase our products click here.

Therapy Dog vs A Service And Support Dog


Facial Aging, When , Why and How

Facial Aging: Our face ages more rapidly than the rest of our body.  This is because our face is totally exposed to our environment.  Unfortunately,  any changes or alterations on the face are more noticeable, because as a general rule we do not cover up our face with clothing like the rest of our body,

How The Face And It’s Skin Ages

As we transition from infancy to old age a lot of facial aging  changes take place.  One of the most dramatic changes is the shape of the cranium.  The greatest changes occur from infancy to puberty as the face and head mature into an adult form.

The eyes, nose, and mouth expand to fill a relatively greater area of the surface of the cranium; the relative area occupied by the forehead shrinks as the eyes move up into this area; the eyes become proportionately smaller and the forehead slopes back more;  with facial aging the face becomes smaller in respect to the rest of the body; and the chin tends to become larger and more protrusive.

Some of these changes may continue, but less dramatically into adulthood, but other changes begin to occur to mark facial aging and correspond to the decline of the face past the generative years into old age.

Skin and Facial Aging

The majority of visible skin aging occurs in the face, because it is regularly exposed to the sun.  If a person were able to avoid sun exposure their whole life, their face would have few wrinkles and discolorations, even in old age.

Facial aging  in old age – the skin becomes darker, less flexible, rougher, and even more leathery: lines, wrinkles, folds, pouches, and blemishes or discolorations gradually appear and/or becomes more pronounced; muscles and connective tissues change their elasticity; lips lose muscle tone and become thinner and narrower; fatty deposits and bone may be lost produce pouches in the cheeks, bags under the eyes, sagging under the chin or a double chin, opening pores, and other changes in the way of soft tissues conform to the underlying bony structure.

Aging And The Environment

For information on aging and sun exposure click here.

August Giveaway: Terms and Conditions

August Giveaway: Terms and Conditions.

Multi Functional Dog Wrap and Attachments

August  Giveaway Terms & Conditions

Facebook link to enter the giveaway

  • No purchase is necessary to enter the July Giveaway.
  • The product that are being given away will be outlined on the individual post. No alternatives are offered and the products can not be exchanged for cash.
  • The number of winners is outlined on each giveaway and only this number will be selected.
  • The winner/s will be drawn randomly by number generator.
    Odds of winning are based on the number of entries.
  • The closing date for the August  Giveaway is outlined on the individual giveaway.
  • Only one entry is allowed per person.
  • If you enter the giveaway via Facebook you agree to a complete release of Facebook and you recognize that the giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered or associated with Facebook. Facebook link
  • Anyone in the U.S 18 or over may enter.
  • If you win you will be contacted via the e-mail address that you use to enter, or through social media if you entered that way. We will contact the winner within 5 days of the closing date of the giveaway. You will have 7 days to respond.

Good Luck!

Tips On Wearing A Backpack, Cape or Vest