Dogs Influence

Dogs Influence On A Child’s Development

Dogs influence a child’s development is  extraordinary.

A Dogs Influence On Your Child

Dogs are good companions, and  the impact can be  more significant than having friendly buddies. For example a dog can  boost your child’s:

  •  Self-esteem
  • Cognitive awareness
  • Emotional stability


According to the Pet Health Council, kids with low  self esteem  can benefit greatly for being responsible for the care of a pet.  The animal does not care if mistakes are made, nor will the child be afraid of looking silly in front of the animal.

Over time your child becomes  more confident in caring for the dog, and this confidences transfers over into tasks your child once  had difficulties performing.

Dogs Influence Through Recurrent Successes: Success feeds a higher level of self-esteem and confidence emerges. Your child believes anything is possible, a belief system initiated by the close bond between the child and the dog.

Cognitive Skills

Conversations between your child and dog develop communication skills and speech. Any basic understanding of a situation alters how child reacts. If Fido catches the ball, for example, there is a reward. As the child perceives this situation, the brain  thinks logically, and interpret the results.

Caregivers: Animals stir the playful side of any individuals while they entertain and demand compassion. Feeding and walking them seems simple, but this influences the child’s understanding to become responsible caregiver.

Your child learns to love, share, cuddle and loyalty develops as both grow together. Children study the behavior of their pets whose protective senses teach danger and awareness.

Emotional Stability

 Empathy: It’s impressive to see how a toddler struggles with sharing yet shows kindness to their pet. Thanks to the pet, a lesson in cooperation enhances social development.

Blankets for warmth and wet toys represent evidence of the close relationship between dog and child. Parents recognize empathy towards different situations as various emotions activate.

As a child grows, a pet’s impact is more evident. Observe the behavioral patterns of your little ones with animals continuously. Discover the nurture or confident side through the years which changes. Help preserve a personality that is positively affected by how dogs influence.

If you don’t have a pet in your home consider adoption.

For more information on pets and kids click here

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Four Legged Friend Fido