Tag Archives: Benefits of Walking Your Dog

Dog Anxiety And Weighted Backpacks

Dog Anxiety: Just like people, dogs get anxious sometimes.

Understanding Anxiety In Your Dog

Pounding heartbeat, sweaty palms, or shaky knees? We’ve all felt the effects of anxiety. Just like people, dogs get anxious sometimes. The good news is that there are lots of ways to help your beloved pet deal with anxiety. The first step is learning to recognize it.

How do you know if your dog is anxious?

Just like people, dogs get anxious about different things and show it in different ways. Identifying anxiety quickly will help you take action to minimize or eliminate the source. Some signs and behaviors are subtle, while others are pronounced and destructive.
• Panting or drooling.
• Trembling.
• Whining or whimpering.
• Cowering or trying to hide.
• Running away.
• Excessive barking.
• Chewing, scratching and tearing things apart such as wall trim, furniture, pillows, or upholstery.
• Excessive licking or chewing.

What is dog anxiety?

In people terms, think of dog anxiety as a stress reaction. Sometimes there’s a good reason for your dog’s stress. But if your dog becomes overly fearful or anxious when there is no real threat, it’s time to take action. Chronic anxiety is harmful to your dog’s physical and mental health. In extreme cases your dog may injure himself, people or other animals.

What are some triggers of dog anxiety?

Some triggers happen in a moment while others are related to your daily routine. Most triggers fall into one of four categories.
• Loud noises. Thunder and fireworks certainly top the list as a cause of anxiety. Loud noises from construction equipment, car and truck traffic, and firearms may be stressful, especially if they are unfamiliar to your dog. Smoke alarms frighten most dogs as do some household appliances such as a vacuum or blender.
• Separation. Dogs are pack animals so it’s not natural for them to be alone. Since their human family is their pack they may experience anxiety when separated. In addition, other pets in the household are part of the pack and separation may trigger anxiety. This often happens when another pet dies.
• Lack of exercise. Dogs need to be active both physically and mentally. Walking your dog (think exploring) daily will meet both needs. It’s also a great way to bond with your dog. Playtime is equally important. And so is teaching your dog new tasks.
• Social Stress. Your dog may get anxious when meeting new people or new dogs, especially in unfamiliar surroundings such as at a training class or dog park.

Dog Anxiety And  Weighted Backpacks

Weighted backpacks are vest-like garments designed to calm anxious dogs. The vests work under the premise that pressure applied to the dog’s torso causes a calming effect.

When worn correctly, a weighted backpack distribute pressure over the back and sides of the dog’s chest, serving as a calming “hug.” Scientifically, gentle pressure releases chemicals called endorphins that promote a sense of well-being.

Dog Massage Therapy and The Many Benefits

Separation anxiety by Dr. Karen Becker

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Dogs Influence On A Child’s Development

Dogs influence a child’s development is  extraordinary.

A Dogs Influence On Your Child

Dogs are good companions, and  the impact can be  more significant than having friendly buddies. For example a dog can  boost your child’s:

  •  Self-esteem
  • Cognitive awareness
  • Emotional stability


According to the Pet Health Council, kids with low  self esteem  can benefit greatly for being responsible for the care of a pet.  The animal does not care if mistakes are made, nor will the child be afraid of looking silly in front of the animal.

Over time your child becomes  more confident in caring for the dog, and this confidences transfers over into tasks your child once  had difficulties performing.

Dogs Influence Through Recurrent Successes: Success feeds a higher level of self-esteem and confidence emerges. Your child believes anything is possible, a belief system initiated by the close bond between the child and the dog.

Cognitive Skills

Conversations between your child and dog develop communication skills and speech. Any basic understanding of a situation alters how child reacts. If Fido catches the ball, for example, there is a reward. As the child perceives this situation, the brain  thinks logically, and interpret the results.

Caregivers: Animals stir the playful side of any individuals while they entertain and demand compassion. Feeding and walking them seems simple, but this influences the child’s understanding to become responsible caregiver.

Your child learns to love, share, cuddle and loyalty develops as both grow together. Children study the behavior of their pets whose protective senses teach danger and awareness.

Emotional Stability

 Empathy: It’s impressive to see how a toddler struggles with sharing yet shows kindness to their pet. Thanks to the pet, a lesson in cooperation enhances social development.

Blankets for warmth and wet toys represent evidence of the close relationship between dog and child. Parents recognize empathy towards different situations as various emotions activate.

As a child grows, a pet’s impact is more evident. Observe the behavioral patterns of your little ones with animals continuously. Discover the nurture or confident side through the years which changes. Help preserve a personality that is positively affected by how dogs influence.

If you don’t have a pet in your home consider adoption.


For more information on pets and kids click here

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Four Legged Friend Fido

Dog Ownership

Dog Ownership And Germs

Dog ownership has a lot of benefits but the one that is most surprising is people with dogs seem to get ill less frequently and less severely than people with no pets.

In the US we have become so fearful of germs that we tend to disinfect just about everything. The truth of the matter is disinfecting is making us sicker; since our bodies are exposed to fewer germs it is difficult to build up immunities to germs.

Dogs are covered in germs! Having a dog in the house means more bacteria enters the home.  The germs are especially high on pillowcases. When we are exposed to germs our bodies can build up immunities to them.

Dog Ownership Enhances The  Immune System

Dogs are more likely than other house pets to beg for a walk or a game outside. This encourages owners to frequently take a walk or exercise with their dogs. A 2006 study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found dog owners were more likely to do mild to moderate physical activity during the week than non-dog owners.

Taking a moderately-paced walk for between 30 and 45 minutes daily was found to increase the amount of immune system cells that were present in the body.

Here is the link to the study.

Walking Enhances Your Dog’s Immune System

Walking daily  is one of the cornerstones for a good immune system for your pet. A daily walk or daily outside play with a ball or favorite activity stimulates a dog’s lymphatic system which is part of the immune system. Daily exercise goes a long way toward keeping your dog’s mental attitude positive, and enables the immune system to work properly. It calms your dog and helps reduce stress that may affect their immune system.