Total Body Therapeutic Canine Wrap

Canine Wrap For Hot Weather

A canine wrap for hot weather use is a must have for your pet. Summertime is a time for fun and frolicking but it’s also fraught with danger for our pets. When the temperature rises, we need to take extra caution to make sure our pets are okay in the heat. Here are some key tips to help keep your pet cool and safe.


Despite the warnings, every year, pets die after their owners leave them in a parked car that overheats. Within just a few minutes, a car can get extremely shot, stifling, and deadly. Dr. Ernie Ward did an experiment on a warm summer’s day in which he sat in a parked car with the windows cracked. He wanted to see just how hot it would get. Within 30 minutes it was 117 degrees inside the car. “Never, ever leave your dog in a parked car on a warm day,” he pleads at the end of the video he made to document his experience. That goes for any pet. More hot-tips

Canine Wrap For Cold Weather

Between 32 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit – Best dog exercise weather! Between 20 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit (between -7°C and 0°C) – Some small or fine coat dogs are too cold, many healthy medium or large size dog can walk for up to 30 minutes as long as it’s above 20 degrees F (-7°C). Cold weather tips

Canine Wrap For Joint Pain

As the Pack Leader you must know if your dog is uncomfortable because of joint issues. Typical signs include:

  • Trouble getting up and down
  • Slow or stiff when moving
  • Difficulty climbing stairs
  • Joint swelling
  • Excessive panting
  • Limping
  • Frequently holding a leg off the ground
  • Favoring one leg
  • More information

Joint Problems In Dogs

Canine Wrap For Muscle Pain

Dogs are such willing companions that sometimes they can over extend themselves, trying to make their owners happy. Knowing the causes, symptoms and solutions to dog muscle soreness is important for all dog owners.


Sore muscles in dogs can be caused by a variety of issues, such as exercising a dog too intensely. Just like humans, dogs that have been idle too long have to slowly build up to more intense exercise. Another cause can be exercising a dog on the wrong type of surface, such as jogging with a dog on pavement. The Dog Channel websites states that “Concrete is unforgiving and repeated jarring on it can damage bones and joints.”


Dogs with sore muscles will exhibit varied symptoms such as limping, moving very slowly, reluctance to get up or lay down or even whimpering due to pain.


To prevent muscle soreness in your dog, exercise your pet in grass or soft surfaces, for appropriate times given its age and current health level.

Giving a dog with sore muscles a body massage can help alleviate the pain and loosen stiffened muscles. Anti-inflammatory medicines are available for dogs, but may only be obtained from a veterinarian

Safe Pain Relief For Dogs

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