However, Whenever, Wherever The Pain, There Is WhatEver PocKits
Active Life Style Injuries: If you are a jogger, biker, or skier, you may have active life style injuries, due to a fall. If you like roller bladeing or skating chances are you may fall and get hurt. If you like to play golf or tennis, you may have active life style injuries from swinging at a golf or tennis ball. The point being, at some point you may have an injury.
If you are a night jogger, walker, or biker you should consider wearing a reflective garment.
Ice and heat therapy are the two most commonly used treatments when it comes to injuries that affect the muscles and joints. The first 48 hours can be crucial in setting the tone for your recovery.
Active Life Style Injuries: Ice Treatment
Ice treatment is most commonly used for active life style injuries that are sudden and sharp. During the first 48 hours after an injury, swelling is a natural part of the healing process. Ice packs or an ice bath can help minimize swelling around the injury. Ice packs are often used after injuries such as an ankle, leg, shoulder, or knee injury to decrease swelling. Ice treatme annts may help control inflammation for pain that won’t go away despite the fact that the injury has healed. To prevent damage to skin tissue do not apply ice directly to the skin. The application of ice should be applied in 20 minute intervals.
Active Life Style Injuries: Heat Treatment
Do not use heat therapy immediately after activity, and do not use heat immediately after suffering an injury. Heat should be avoided at least for 48 hours depending upon the severity of the injury. When the injury heals and you continue having pain beyond the time of expected recovery, heat treatment should be used to help relax and loosen the muscles, and increase blood flow to the injured area.
If you suffer from an ongoing injury, apply heat before exercising and ice afterwards.
The WhatEver PocKit kit can be configured as heat and ice wraps and used on any part of the body.
Be sure to contact your doctor or health care professional to determine proper use of heat or ice.
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The WhatEver PocKit therapeutic garment kit can be configured as heat and ice wraps and used on any part of the body.