Got Pain From An
Active Life Style Injury?
WhatEver PocKits Can Help.
Active Life Style Injury Pain Relief
The WhatEver PocKit kit can be used for active life style injury pain relief. If you have an injury from biking, skiing, skating, running, jogging, walking, roller bladeing, football, golf, tennis, or any other active life style injury the WhatEver PocKit kit can help.
The WhatEver PocKit kit comes with a chamber panel with pockets, two shoulder straps with pockets and two waist straps with pockets. Each section of the kit can be used separately or together to make wraps. To make ice or heat wraps simply insert ice packs or heat packs (which comes with the kit), into the pockets. The images above are a few of the configurations there are others, you are only limited by your imagination.
Active Life Style Injury Pain Relief For Bikers
The most common biking injuries are sprains and strains of the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder or wrist, due to over use or falls. Bikers may also have arch pain. Another common occurrence is delayed-onset muscle soreness.
Active Life Style Injury Pain Relief For Skiers
The most common injury in skiing is damage to the medial collateral ligament, which runs on the outer side of the knee; this is often caused by the knee twisting and can also result from a minor fall.
Active Life Style Injury Pain Relief For Skaters
Many injuries happen when you lose your balance, fall off the skateboard or rollerblades and land on an outstretched arm. The ankle, wrist, face and head are the most common areas of injury for skateboarders, while rollerbladers are more likely to injure a leg, the head, or some part of the wrist, arm, elbow, or shoulder.
Active Life Style Injury Pain Relief For Runners and Joggers
The most common ailments that plague runners are due to the repetitive force of pounding on the pavement:
(1) Runner’s knee.
(2) Achilles tendonitis.
(3) Plantar fasciitis (Arch pain).
(4) Shin splints.
(5) Iliotibial
(6) Stress fractures
(7) Patellar tendonitis.
(8) Ankle sprains.
(9) Pulled muscles. The calf and hamstring are common muscle pulls among runners.
Active Life Style Injury Pain Relief For Football Players
The 7 Most Common Football Injuries
The most common injuries include:
(1) ACL injuries – The anterior cruciate ligament in the knee.
(2) MCL injuries – Injury to the medial collateral ligament in the knee.
(3) Torn meniscus – When a player rotates their body while a foot stays planted, the knee can twist, causing the meniscus to tear.
(4) Ankle sprains and strains.
(5) Muscle contusions – A strong impact to a large muscle, usually in the thigh, can cause a contusion. This is basically a large, deep bruise.
(6) Torn hamstrings – Bursts of speed can cause the hamstrings to tear.
(7) Shoulder tendonitis – Frequent throwing can cause overuse injuries like shoulder tendonitis from repetitive motions.
Active Life Style Injury Pain Relief For Golfers
(1) Playing golf can cause minor strains in the back that can easily lead to minor severe injuries.
(2) Tendonitis (irritation and inflammation of the tendon tissue) is the most common condition affecting the elbow. It is frequently referred to as “tennis elbow”.
(3) Knee pain can occur from the strain placed on a weak knee to stabilize the rotation of the hip axis. Extreme force placed on the knee can result in torn ligaments.
(4) Rotator Cuff pain may be felt in the shoulder or upper arm at various phases of the golf swing, or following play, often during the night and when extending arms overhead. Injuries to the rotator cuff can be sustained through traumatic force resulting from a poorly executed golf swing, hitting a root or rock, taking a deep divot, and from overuse.
(5) The most common golf-related wrist injury is tendonitis, or swelling of the tendons responsible for wrist movement.
(6) The repetitive motions of golf, and the high speed of the typical swing can place the hands and fingers at high risk for injury. Repetitive blunt trauma or single severe trauma to the fingers can lead to numerous conditions such as tendonitis.
(7) Neck Injuries are common in golfers because neck muscles may shorten in spasm and freeze the neck into a painful position.
(8) Sprains in the ankles, tendonitis in the ankle and foot bones, and inflammation are common injuries.
(9) The hip joint is vulnerable to injury during golf, since the swing involves a tremendous amount of pivoting and twisting movements. During the golf swing, the hip is subjected to repeated adduction and flexion/extension forces. It is these rotational and shear forces that cause injuries such as groin strains and low back injuries.
Active Life Style Injury Pain Relief For Tennis Players
The most common injuries associated with tennis are rotator cuff tendonitis, tennis elbow, wrist strains, back pain knee pain involving the knee cap, calf and Achilles tendon injuries, ankle sprains, and tennis toe.