Made with the WhatEver PocKits Kit. One Kit Does It All

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Neck-Shoulder Pain Relief

Do You Need Neck Shoulder Pain Relief? WhatEver Pockits Can Help

Neck-Shoulder Pain Relief can be classified in many different ways, and there are many methods and devices on the market today for neck- shoulder pain relief.

Neck-Shoulder Pain Relief Alternatives

Some people experience only neck pain or only shoulder pain, while others experience pain in both areas. As an alternative to popping a pain pill for neck-shoulder pain relief, some try other methods until the pain subside. Therapeutic garment.

There are many self-care remedies that are effective in alleviating the pain and stiffness, such as: Cervical Traction Devices, Cervical Traction Devices; Relief Pillows; Inflatable Compact Pinched Nerve Remedy Devices; Neck Braces; Compression Neck Wraps; Air-Activated Heat wraps; Thermo Skin Short Neck Wrap ( light, firm compression with naturally generated body heat); Heating Pads; and some people prefer heat or ice wrap for neck-shoulder pain relief. Whatever your choice the WhatEver Pockit kit can also help.

The WhatEver Pockit kit comes with a chamber panel with pockets, two shoulder straps with pockets and two waist straps with pockets. Each section of the kit can be used separately or together to make wraps for neck-shoulder pain relief. To make ice wraps simply insert ice packs or heat packs (which comes with the kit), into the pockets. The image above, is just one of the many configurations that can be used on the shoulder and neck, you are only limited by your imagination.

For more information on neck pain click here.
For more information on shoulder pain click here.


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