Joint Pain:
However, Whenever, Wherever
The Pain, There Is
WhatEver PocKits
Joint Pain-Arthritis-Inflammation
Joint Pain:
Not all joint pain is arthritis. There are many types of arthritis (over 100 identified, and the number is growing). The types range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage (such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system (such as rheumatoid arthritis). Together, the many types of arthritis make up the most common chronic illness in the United States.
You may not even have arthritis, but rather a soft tissue injury or bursitis.” Only a visit to a doctor will tell you for sure. If your doctor determines that your joint pain is due to arthritis, there is something you can do about the joint pain and stiffness.
Many arthritis doctors recommend both heat and cold treatments to help reduce inflammation and ease the pain and stiffness that comes with arthritis. It may take a little “trial and error” to learn which therapy works best for your pain. But by staying with it, you may find the right combination of hot packs and ice packs to get the most relief from pain and make it easier to manage arthritis.
Heat or cold therapy works by stimulating your body’s own healing force. For instance, heat dilates the blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation, and reduces muscle spasms. In addition, heat alters the sensation of pain. Cold packs reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels. While cold packs may be uncomfortable at first, they can numb deep pain. The WhatEver Pockit kit can be used as a cold compress by inserting cold packs into the pockets and a hot compress when a hot pack is inserted into the pockets. You can use either dry heat or moist heat with the WhatEver Pockit kit.
For more information on Joint Pain-Arthritis-Inflammation click here.