Tag Archives: Dog Behavior

Do Hunting Dogs Make Good House Pets?

Hunting dogs do they make good house pets?

Hunting Dogs

Long ago, the bond between man and dog was created. I would like to think it was a symbiotic relationship to benefit both species. Somewhere through the ages they became inseparable, both needing each other for help, affection, devotion and protection. Even in our current times, that has not changed, although we usually don’t have to fight wild animals with our dogs.

The hunting dog’s natural instinct compels it to be fiercely loyal to it’s family and most are exemplary members. Hunting dogs have been cross-bred for decades to accentuate certain qualities that are desired for seeking and catching prey. Let’s look at some of the types of hunting dogs that would make a great house pet.

Types of Hunting Dogshunting dogs


The Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever and Chesapeake Bay Retriever are all included in this group. As their name implies, their job is to retrieve game that has been killed by the hunter. They are smart, easygoing, loyal and protective. As hunting dogs go, they are one of the most popular dogs for families in the US.hunting dogs


Bred to flush out game birds, Setters have the ability to pick up a bird’s scent even while it’s flying! Amazing. They are equipped with long hair to protect them from the elements and are a fairly large dog. The hunting dogs in this group include the Irish and English Setter, both well known for their colorful beauty and comical nature. They make great companions.hunting dogs


Sometimes the Setters and the Pointers are grouped together, but there are a few differences in the breeds. Pointers ordinarily have a short, oily coat to repel water. They also are known for “pointing” by raising a front leg to indicate where the wild game is. As hunting dogs go, the Weimaraner and German Pointer are considered intelligent and loyal and would make good family pets.hunting dogs

Scent Hounds

There are many types of hunting dogs in this category, such as the Beagle, Coonhound and Bloodhound. They track prey with their noses, sometimes for long distances. They are very sociable and easily fit in with a busy family. Some other breeds include the Dachshund and the Basset Hound, all family favorites because of their interesting personalities.hunting dogs


Spaniels are hunting dogs that can venture into brush and flush out a game bird or animal. This group includes the Brittany and English Springer Spaniels, both friendly, family oriented types of dog with lots of love to offer. They’ve been known to be quite silly at times, and also require plenty of exercise.hunting dogs


The Terrier hunting dogs have been used in the past to catch rats, vermin and small animals. With their small stature, they can crawl down a hole and easily take care of any burrow resident. The breeds include the Jack Russell and West Highland Terrier, among others. They can be easy to travel with, but sometimes are impatient with children. They are affectionate and loving to their families though, and would make a good house pet.hunting dogs

So, to answer the question put before us…Yes, hunting dogs make good house pets! Overall, they are loyal, affectionate, protective and forgiving. They are a great addition to the family.

Hunting Dog Jacket

Dogs Influence On A Child’s Development

Dogs influence a child’s development is  extraordinary.

A Dogs Influence On Your Child

Dogs are good companions, and  the impact can be  more significant than having friendly buddies. For example a dog can  boost your child’s:

  •  Self-esteem
  • Cognitive awareness
  • Emotional stability


According to the Pet Health Council, kids with low  self esteem  can benefit greatly for being responsible for the care of a pet.  The animal does not care if mistakes are made, nor will the child be afraid of looking silly in front of the animal.

Over time your child becomes  more confident in caring for the dog, and this confidences transfers over into tasks your child once  had difficulties performing.

Dogs Influence Through Recurrent Successes: Success feeds a higher level of self-esteem and confidence emerges. Your child believes anything is possible, a belief system initiated by the close bond between the child and the dog.

Cognitive Skills

Conversations between your child and dog develop communication skills and speech. Any basic understanding of a situation alters how child reacts. If Fido catches the ball, for example, there is a reward. As the child perceives this situation, the brain  thinks logically, and interpret the results.

Caregivers: Animals stir the playful side of any individuals while they entertain and demand compassion. Feeding and walking them seems simple, but this influences the child’s understanding to become responsible caregiver.

Your child learns to love, share, cuddle and loyalty develops as both grow together. Children study the behavior of their pets whose protective senses teach danger and awareness.

Emotional Stability

 Empathy: It’s impressive to see how a toddler struggles with sharing yet shows kindness to their pet. Thanks to the pet, a lesson in cooperation enhances social development.

Blankets for warmth and wet toys represent evidence of the close relationship between dog and child. Parents recognize empathy towards different situations as various emotions activate.

As a child grows, a pet’s impact is more evident. Observe the behavioral patterns of your little ones with animals continuously. Discover the nurture or confident side through the years which changes. Help preserve a personality that is positively affected by how dogs influence.

If you don’t have a pet in your home consider adoption.


For more information on pets and kids click here

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Four Legged Friend Fido

Four Legged Friend Fido

Four Legged Friend: Dogs have always been, and continue to be “Mankind’s best friend”!

Our Four Legged Friend

Dogs especially, have become more important and involved with humans daily activities and challenges.

Dogs are especially helpful to:

  • Our wounded soldiers, who suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and are struggling to recover and resume normal civilian life.
  • Law enforcement personnel  appreciate their four legged partners in various support activities for:

Senior Citizens and Their Four Legged Pet

  • Senior citizens.   For some seniors walking the dog is the only exercise they get. Their four legged companions take their (two legged partners) humans for regular walks.
  • Walking is vital to our senior’s health and longevity, as well as their quality of life.

Dogs As Family Members

In most homes the pets have become official members of the family.  They are totally accepted and integrated. Some pet owners even dress their dog or cat in clothes.

When the pet gets sick, the whole family is concerned.  When it is the dog or cats birthday, the  whole family celebrate and have a birthday party.

Needless to say, children enjoy daily activities with Fido (or other species of pet) and also learn responsibility in caring for their companion.

Protector Of The Household 

Home owners, rely on their dog to sound an (barking) alarm, that may discourage potential thieves especially at night.

Not All People Like Dogs

In spite  of all the positive ways dogs can be useful to our society, not all people appreciate our four legged companion.  Some people may even consider dogs a nuisance because of:

  • barking,
  • biting,
  • pooping,
  • drain on the house budget with additional expenses such as feeding, licenses, veterinarians, leashes, etc.

Fortunately, these people are a minority.  They probably never had a pet and therefore, never experienced the joy, fun, and other benefits, that our four legged-furry companions can bring us.

So, YES our four legged companions are definitely still among our BEST FRIENDS.

PS: four legged companions also includes cats.

Dog Owners And Their Active Social Life

Millennials as pet parents

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Grieving Dogs How To Relieve The Pain

Just like humans, dogs grieve the loss of a loved one, whether that be a canine companion or a human friend. Studies have shown that animals show similar symptoms as humans when they are grieving a loss. They become withdrawn, sleep more, and do not enjoy their favorite activities anymore. If you are in the presence of grieving dogs, you should take certain steps to make your pet feel better.

Grieving Dogs

Affection and Attention

One thing you can do to make your dog feel better is to show it more affection and attention. While your dog may not be interacting with you as much during the grieving process, it is still good for the dog to know that you are there for it and willing to support it during its time of need.

You should engage in what you know is your dog’s favorite activity, or you could invite friends over that you know your dog has a connection with. You can also use techniques with toys to take your dog’s mind off of its grief, such as hiding its toys or treats in their favorite spots throughout the day to help cheer them up. You can also comfort your pet with a massage.

Doggie Treats

It is important to not overcompensate with treats during this difficult time. For example, if your dog is howling out of grief for their loss, do not reward them with a treat in order to quiet them down. Instead, reward them with treats when they are participating in events that you do approve of, such as resting quietly or watching the birds or squirrels outside peacefully.

Replacing The Deceased Dog

Another important thought to consider is to not replace the lost dog right away. Your dog might not respond well to another companion right away. Both the owner and the dog need to adjust to the loss and fully go through the grieving process before adding another canine to the mix.


While it is hard to accept that an animal has passed on, you need to be compassionate for the grieving dogs that are left behind. Following the simple tips of being patient with your canine, showing it gradually more levels of love and compassion, taking it for more walks if the dog is cooperative, and even allowing the dog to see the deceased body are all ways to help your dog through the grieving progress.

For more information on canine grief click here.

Dog Massage Therapy and The Many Benefits

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