Category Archives: Pets

Resistance To Dog and Cat Allergies

Resistance To Pet Allergies

While dogs can be one of the worst triggers for people with allergies, growing up in a house with a dog makes children less likely to develop allergies over the course of their lives. Even if you were just a fetus when your mother lived with a dog, you are still less likely to be bothered by animal hair and dander, or to develop eczema as an adult.

Researchers found that having a dog seemed to stimulate or restore the ability of the immune (defense) system to fight infection and disease  and reduced  allergies by as much as four times.

Dog Ownership

Children With Dog Allergies

The new study, published in The Journal of Paediatrics, examines the relationship between pet ownership and eczema. 

Researchers found that dog ownership among children with dog allergies may reduce the risk of developing eczema by age 4 years.

The results provided interesting information regarding pet ownership. The researchers found that children who tested positive for dog sensitivities  were less likely to develop eczema by age four years if they owned a dog before age one year.

Children With Cat Allergies

Unlike dog ownership, cat ownership seemed to have a negative effect on children who are allergic to cats.  Children who owned a cat before age one year and were allergic to cats based on a skin allergy test were 13 times more likely to develop eczema by age 4 years.  However children who were not allergic to cats were not at an increased risk for eczema if they owned a cat.

Dr. Tolly Epstein  an allergist-immunologist  who specialize in Allergy & Immunology, suggests that parents of children at risk for eczema may want to consider these findings when choosing a family pet

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Do Dog Owners Have A Better Heart Than Non-Dog Owners

The Positive Effect Your Dog Has On Your Heart Health

Everything about owning a dog seems to lend itself to better heart health. Just the act of petting a dog lowers heart rate and blood pressure. A Chinese study found that people who own dogs get better sleep at night and are sick less often. Other studies show pet owners have slightly lower cholesterol and are more likely to survive a heart attack.

Having A Dog Can Help Your Heart 

There is growing  evidence that suggests  having a dog may help improve heart health.

Most dog lovers know their pet provide them with love, warmth and comfort. Most know that walking their companion is good exercise. But few  know  the calming effect  their dog has on their heart.

Dogs’ Calming Effect

Dogs’ calming effect on humans also appears to help people handle stress.  Research suggests that people with dogs when subjected to stress their heart rate and blood pressure go up less and return to normal more quickly, dampening the effects of stress on the body.

Your Dog And Cardiovascular Disease

Having a dog, is probably associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. This does not mean that there is a clear cause and effect relationship between the two. But it does mean that pet ownership can be a reasonable part of an overall strategy to lower the risk of heart disease.

Lower Blood Pressure And Your Dog

Several studies have shown that dog owners have lower blood pressure than non-owners — probably because their pets have a calming effect on them and because dog owners tend to get more exercise. The power of touch also appears to be an important part of this “pet effect.” Several studies show that blood pressure goes down when a person pets a dog.

If you own a dog or are thinking about it, the potential benefits for your heart health are a nice plus. However, pets should not be adopted for the primary purpose of reducing heart disease risk. And definitely don’t add a dog to your life if you’re not ready or able to take care of one, including making sure it gets enough exercise.

For more information on staying-healthy/having-a-dog click here.

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Dog Owners And Depression

Dog Owners And Depression

Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than non-pet owners are. Even for those people who do become clinically depressed, having a pet to take care of can help them out of a depressive state of mind. In some cases, a pet is more effective than medicine and there are no side effects. Depression is hard enough with all the advice to take medication and to put yourself through rigorous therapy treatments to try to find your way back to the bright side.

Depressed Dog Owners Taking Care Of Their Pet

Taking care of a dog requires a routine and forces a depressed person to stay at least a little active. It is hard to stay inside feeling down all the time when your dog is asking you to take him/her for a walk.

Love Received From A Dog

The interaction with and love received from a dog can also help a depressed person to stay positive. Even the mere act of looking at their pet increases the amount of Oxytocin, the “feel good” chemical, in the brain.

Recovery From Depression

One way for a dog owner dealing with depression can play a role in their recovery is to talk to and hug their pet. This is one of the ways to soothe, calm and re-energize you.

Your Dog As Part of Your Support Team

If you have mild to moderate depression, adding a pet to your therapy, team can be a worthwhile source of support. Obviously, you must be capable of caring for the pet if you are going to be responsible for a pet but even for those with more severe depression, animals can still be a source of comfort.

For more information on  pets-depression click here.

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Dog Owners And Their Active Social Life

The Active Social Life Of Dog Owners

Polls show people with dogs have a more active social life than people without dogs. Dog owners trust others who have dog’s more than just random people walking on the street and are more likely to go up and interact with them.

Dogs, which take part in their owners outdoor exercise activities, make it easy to have an active social life. For example when owners and their dogs play in parks and participate in doggie play dates, they have a chance to form bonds with other dogs and other people.

Single Dog Owners And Dating

Walking your canine in dog parks on a regular basis has a very high chance to set you up on a date, with another dog lover. Normally, people are a lot more open toward dog owners, and the more dogs you have, the better. It gives others a reason to stop and talk to you.

Ten Ways Dogs Can Help You Make Friends

People who love animals tend to bond easily even if they don’t have a pet of their own. If you do have one, it can provide plenty of ways to meet new friends. The best part is, you’ll already have something in common so conversations may flow a little bit easier in the beginning.

  1. Dogs Show Off Your Best Side
  2. You Can Meet New People at the Dog Park
  3. Sit Outside With Your Dog at the Coffee Shop
  4. Chat With Other Dog Owners at the Vet
  5. Dog Are an Instant Source of Conversation
  6. They Help You Get Out for a Walk Where You Can Meet Your Neighbors
  7. Connecting With People Who Can Dog Sit for You
  8. Join a Special Dog Group and Meet Other Enthusiasts
  9. Meet Other Dog Owners at the Groomer
  10. Take Your Dog to Obedience Class

 Ways Dogs Can Help You Make Friends

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Dog Ownership

Dog Ownership And Germs

Dog ownership has a lot of benefits but the one that is most surprising is people with dogs seem to get ill less frequently and less severely than people with no pets.

In the US we have become so fearful of germs that we tend to disinfect just about everything. The truth of the matter is disinfecting is making us sicker; since our bodies are exposed to fewer germs it is difficult to build up immunities to germs.

Dogs are covered in germs! Having a dog in the house means more bacteria enters the home.  The germs are especially high on pillowcases. When we are exposed to germs our bodies can build up immunities to them.

Dog Ownership Enhances The  Immune System

Dogs are more likely than other house pets to beg for a walk or a game outside. This encourages owners to frequently take a walk or exercise with their dogs. A 2006 study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found dog owners were more likely to do mild to moderate physical activity during the week than non-dog owners.

Taking a moderately-paced walk for between 30 and 45 minutes daily was found to increase the amount of immune system cells that were present in the body.

Here is the link to the study.

Walking Enhances Your Dog’s Immune System

Walking daily  is one of the cornerstones for a good immune system for your pet. A daily walk or daily outside play with a ball or favorite activity stimulates a dog’s lymphatic system which is part of the immune system. Daily exercise goes a long way toward keeping your dog’s mental attitude positive, and enables the immune system to work properly. It calms your dog and helps reduce stress that may affect their immune system.

Wraps For People and Pets

Wraps For People and Pets

Wraps For People and Pets: Our therapeutic  wraps are designed for people and their pets. The  wraps are trimmed with reflective material, so you and your pet can be seen by moving traffic, when out walking at night.

To use as a cooling  wrap simply insert the ice/heat packs into the pockets of the wrap.

You and your pet can now be seen out in public without wearing a medical looking wrap.

When Should Ice Be Used?
For the greatest benefits, use ice after exercise and not before. In the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation (Feb/1994), a study on the ankle was conducted to see if ice should be used on an injury before exercise. The finding showed decreased temperature reduces the joint  sensitivity and thereby alters joint position sense, exposing the joint to possible injury. In conclusion, cooling a body part prior to athletic performance is  “probably a bad idea.”

It was once believed the use of ice was only beneficial in the first 24 hours after an injury. Recent scientific studies have shown the benefits of ice over the long term. During the initial stage of an acute injury (within 24-48 hours), or during the chronic stage (after 48 hours) ice can be very beneficial in promoting wellness.

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