Tag Archives: Cats

Pet Adoption vs Buying A Cat Or Dog

Pet adoption  or should I buy a cat or dog?  There are few things as exciting as making the decision to own a cat or a dog.

Pet Adoption vs Buying A Cat Or Dog

Deciding to open up your home to a new member of the family is a joyful occasion. It is not something to rush into. There are hundreds of different breeds of dogs, and they all have their own unique personalities and requirements. There are many different breeds of cats that are also unique.

The Best Pet For You

The type of living arrangement you have, the types of people in your family, and the amount of time you have to spend with the pet are all things that will affect your final decision. There is a huge difference between owning a Chihuahua and a Bullmastiff and not just in the size of the pet. They have very different traits and needs.

Where to Get Your New Pet

Once you have done your research and decided on the type of pet you want, the decision on where to get that pet is just as important. There are several ways to go get the dog or cat. There will probably be several breeders in your area, but they may be of very different quality. Some will be established, honest breeders who take great pride in their work, but there will also be people who are not so scrupulous in how they do things.


You could also try a pet store, but they have received poor press in the past for the way they obtain their animals. That is not to say they all get their dogs from puppy mills, but there is a chance that they do. There are also several companies that offer pure breed dogs online. You can see the breeder and contact them, and they will often show pictures and videos of the dog. All of these options can be very expensive. Pure breed dogs and cats can be thousands of dollars.


Another option is to adopt a dog or cat. There are adoption centers in most towns, and there are often several adoption events held at local pet stores. Dogs and cats that are up for adoption will be neutered or spayed, and they should be up-to-date with all of their vaccines. There is normally just a processing fee that can be in the hundreds or even less rather than the thousands you would have to pay to buy a dog or cat.

Almost all dogs and cats up for adoption will be mixed breeds, but the volunteers that work at the facility or go to the adoption events will be very knowledgeable about what type of mix the animals are. These dogs and cats are often looking for a second chance, and while it might sound like the best idea to get a brand new, pure breed puppy or kitten, adopting can also be a great choice.


Whatever the decision, make sure you are aware of how much time and effort goes in to owning a cat or a dog, but once you have committed to it, know how much joy and happiness you will have for years.

For more information on pet adoption click here.

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Senior Cats and Their Aging Process

Senior Cats:  Across the United States  there is about 90 million cats.  Statistically speaking about 40% of US households have  senior cats.  A senior cat is  between the age range of 7 and 10.

Signs of Aging

Limited Mobility

As cats progress into their senior years, it’s not uncommon for many of them to have limited mobility.  Mobility  can be effected due to the development of  arthritis.

Body Weight

An overweight or obese cat can develop  osteoarthritis and diabetes.  If a cat is on the thin side they could  suffer from things like dental or thyroid issues.

Sleeping Patterns of Senior Cats

When a cat is not getting proper sleep it may  begin to have problems with  awareness, or with its surroundings.

Senior cats who are having problem with their cognitive awareness maybe experiencing early Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Senior Cats Grooming 

Self grooming for a senior  cat is difficult.

Regular grooming by the pet owner can  help the owner spot any  hygiene issues and sores on the cats body,

Grooming Style

  • The striped style of grooming:  The cats fur is shaved close to the body and is ideal when a cats fur is extremely matted or tangled.
  • The Lion cut: This requires the cats fur to be shaved close to the body but the fur on the head, tail and feet remain longer creating a grooming style similar to that of show poodles.
  • A hygiene cut:  Long haired cats often get bits of feces stuck to the hair around the anus,  by grooming this area the cats hygiene is considerably improved.
  • The peekaboo grooming style:  The fur on the cat’s belly is clipped, and the length is merged into the fur on the cat’s back.This grooming style helps to ensure that it is more difficult for the cats to get their fur matted and tangled.

For more information on cat grooming.

Cat Massage Therapy – The Ultimate Meow

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Cat Massage Therapy – The Ultimate Meow

Cat Massage TherapyCats are generally known to be grumpy beings when it comes to keeping them as pets. Massages, if done correctly, can reduce cat grumpiness.

Many even think of cat massage therapy  as an alternative to any treatment your cat might need.Cat Massage Therapy

Benefits of Cat Massage Therapy

There are several benefits of cat massage ther, both for the cat and its owner.

• Stroking or petting your cat stimulates the release of substances called cytokines, which signal the brain of the cat to discharge painkilling chemicals called endorphins. This helps your cat relax and eases any pain that it might be experiencing.

• Massages naturally lower the heart rate and increase blood flow in our bodies by soothing muscles and tissues. The resulting relaxation allows more oxygen to reach the tissues, which ultimately heals any internal or external wound/strain that might be prevailing.

• It is important to carefully inspect your cat’s body through touch to detect any problems which can be felt physically. There’s a possibility of you discovering your cat’s wounds or interior lumps which are covered by the fur. Such problems can be easily felt way before they signal their existence by worsening. Thus a cat massage could be a life saver.

• You must be fond of touching and playing with your cat and there’s no better way to do this than a massage. This way you get to spend time with your pet, which simultaneously helps both of you feel better.

• Giving a massage to your pet can reduce stress and blood pressure, and cheer you up. Yes, doctors endorse it and that’s the reason why pet owners are happier than those who don’t own them.

Technique and Limitations

Your cat shouldn’t be forced into a massage. You should know when your cat is most or least likely to enjoy one. Cat massages are simple; you stroke, pet, and touch the body of the cat in a manner that is pleasant enough to make it purr.

Massages can only be problematic if your cat is feverish or has any type of cancer/tumor which causes irritation on touch.

Kittens Therapeutic Effects On Humans

Dog Massage Therapy

For more information on cat massage click here.

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Cats Climb Trees For Many Reasons

Cats climb trees for a number of reasons.

They are  vulnerable to attacks from larger animals, such as dogs or even other cats.

  • A tree often provides a safe hiding place, particularly from any annoyed canine that happens to be passing.
  • In the wild, cats climb up trees to give them a resting or napping place that is out of predators’ range. It also helps disguise their presence, which can prevent any prey from noticing that there is a cat in the vicinity.
  •  Cats often climb trees to get a better view of their surroundings, to help them see any potential dangers or potential prey.
  • Sometimes, cats climb trees in response to noticing the inhabitants of upper branches: birds and squirrels.
  • Frequently, a cat will be a little too excited by the possibility of a free-range meal and climb to precarious heights in pursuit of a tasty meal.  Click here for more information.

Why Do Cats Climb Trees And Won’t Come Down ? cats climb trees

A cat usually climbs a tree for one of two or three reasons: it’s  chasing something (like a squirrel), it’s running away from something (like a dog), or perhaps it just wants to see what’s up there. Okay, so Kitty is way-high-up in a tree, the danger (or the fun or the mystery) is gone, and it’s time to come down. Why doesn’t the come down on its own? For more information on why a cat can not climb down .

A cat’s claws are designed for climbing up. A cat is not a squirrel; squirrels can climb up, down, and sideways, always headfirst, no problem. But a cat must climb with its head up to avoid falling, and once  up, the only way down is to back down.

Kittens Therapeutic Effect 

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Kittens Therapeutic Effects On Humans

Kitten Therapy: Stressed? Sad? Angry? Just need a lift? Ask your doctor about kitten therapy.

Kitten Therapy

Kitten Therapy Positive Side Effects

Side effects may include: joy, relaxation, smiles and possibly sneezing and rashes. But for those without allergies, kitten therapy looks like the ultimate stress-buster.

Kittens are fluffy, independent and affectionate, and often keep to themselves and sleep most of the time.  kitten therapy

Whether you own a friendly lap cat or a quiet introvert, the sense of companionship and love you have for your pet can be just as enriching as any other friendship.

Kittens and Stress

Reduces stress and anxiety: Owning a cat can be soothing and trigger calming chemicals in the body, decreasing stress and anxiety levels. Cats are known for being low-maintenance, so a simple petting session is often enough to relax owners and distract them from other worries.

Kitten Therapy and Stroke

Decreases risk of stroke: Studies show that cat owners are less likely to be at risk for having a stroke than any other pet owner. Scientists speculate this is also because of a cat’s low-maintenance ownership.

Kittens  and Grief

Therapeutic benefits:  People going through difficult times of grief or mourning report that talking to their pet helps work out their feelings, since it is often easier to talk to something that won’t respond and can’t judge than to another human being.

Kittens  and The Immune System

Boosts immunity: Exposure to pet dander and fur in the house results in increased resistance to allergens, decreasing risk for allergies and asthma.

Kitten Therapy and Blood Pressure

Lowers blood pressure: Cat owners are known to have lower blood pressure than non-cat owners due to the calming presence cats provide.

 Heart Disease and Kittens

Decreases risk of heart disease and heart attacks: A study conducted by the University of Minnesota’s Stroke Institute in Minneapolis have shown that those who do not own cats are 30-40% more likely to die of heart attacks than their cat-owning counterparts..

Sociability and  Kitten 

Increase sociability: Cat ownership provides a natural conversation starter and can enhance the owner’s ability to socialize.

 Companionship and Kitten Therapy 

Provide companionship: Owning a cat reduces feelings of loneliness. Though cats are often known for their independence, the bond between a cat and its owner reinforces companionship. A Swiss study conducted in 2003 revealed that owning a cat is similar to having a romantic partner.

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Benefits Of Massaging Your Pet

Massaging Your Pet

There are many benefits of massaging your pets.  Dogs and cats love the hands on touch of their owners.  Some dogs even love to be kneaded/massaged by a cat.

More and more veterinarians are including massage as part of rehabilitation programs.

How Massage Benefits Your Dog Or Cat?

Massage provides overall wellbeing for your pet. There are MANY additional benefits beyond the ones listed below:

  • Increases circulation
  • Flexibility and range of motion is improved
  • Develops and maintains muscles tone
  • Helps relieve  stiffness and joint discomfort
  • Speeds up rehabilitation after surgeries and other traumas
  • Improves muscle tone, spinal/body alignment
  • Increases energy, concentration and alertness
  • Reduces anxiety and stress; eases emotional traumas
  • Promotes blood and lymph circulation
  • Heightens immune system function
  • Builds trust, self-confidence and sociability
  • Promotes longevity and slows degenerative processes
  • Massaging  is a natural process that you can use to help your pets maintain a better quality of life.

Marathon Runners And Their Dogs

There are many runners who take their dogs on training runs with them.  Marathon runners know the importance of warming up before a run, and cooling down after a run. Many runners also know the benefits of  a massage before and after a run for themselves, and their canine running partner.

Dogs And Cats That Do Not Go Outside

Some dog owners are not able to take their dog for daily walks, and many cat owners do not allow their cats to go outside to roam around.  As a result, the dog or cat puts on excess weight, because there is  no way of burning off excess calories. Moving back and forth to the food dish is not enough exercise.

The excess weight  makes it harder for your  pets to breathe, and puts additional strain on their hearts and joints. The excess weight makes it difficult for the cat or dog to have full range of motion which require the use of the large joints.  The large joint movement  has the effect of increasing the movement of tissue fluid from the extremities to the heart, aka, lymphatic drainage (their immune system).


Pet Parents Are Driving The Pet Industries Growth

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Does Air Pollution Affect Our Pets?

Air Pollution Can Harm Our Cats And Dogs

Many studies explain how air pollution affects humans. Air pollution and the harm it is doing to animals is now under study

Air Pollution: Does It Have the Same Affect On Our Pet?

Yes, living in a highly polluted area has the same affect on pets as it does on humans.

Where Does Air Pollution Come From?

Some of the sources that subject people and animals to air pollution are: Fumes from cars and trucks, diesel fuels, coal, gasoline, power plants, construction, and livestock all contribute to air pollution.

Smoking, cooking, and wood burning fireplaces or stoves in the home, pollutes the air.

Animals in urban areas are at particular risk of smog and exhaust pollutants. Suburban and rural animals are at risk to the toxins sprayed as insecticides, fungicides and herbicides.

Recent Studies On Dogs

Studies show that pets living with smokers may face greater risks than their owners, due to the considerable amount of time spent near the floor. A 2011 study found that cats living in a smoke free home had fewer problems with the functioning of their lungs. Scientists have linked human indoor activities (cleaning products, smoking, etc.) to carcinogens that can cause mesothelioma, bladder, lung, and nasal cancer in dogs.

Outside air, pollution harms animals. A published report stated, “[t]he Mexico City dogs’ brains showed increased inflammation and pathology including amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, clumps of proteins that serve as a primary marker for Alzheimer’s disease in humans. canstockphoto2149834polluction-dog

Recent Studies On Cats

Cat lover? Scientists in one study found that one in ten cats have asthma related to indoor and outdoor air pollutants. Cats that lived with owners who smoke or burn wood fires have severely decreased lung function.

What Can You Do To Help your Pet?

  • Protect your indoor air
  • Change your home’s air filter regularly
  • Vacuum frequently to remove pet hair and other indoor air pollutants.
  • Avoid smoking indoors
  • Choose your cleaning products carefully.
  • Take the bus or carpool
  • Avoid exercising your pets in high-traffic areas.
  • Ask at your garden store for less toxic alternatives to chemical pesticides.


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Resistance To Dog and Cat Allergies

Resistance To Pet Allergies

While dogs can be one of the worst triggers for people with allergies, growing up in a house with a dog makes children less likely to develop allergies over the course of their lives. Even if you were just a fetus when your mother lived with a dog, you are still less likely to be bothered by animal hair and dander, or to develop eczema as an adult.

Researchers found that having a dog seemed to stimulate or restore the ability of the immune (defense) system to fight infection and disease  and reduced  allergies by as much as four times.

Dog Ownership

Children With Dog Allergies

The new study, published in The Journal of Paediatrics, examines the relationship between pet ownership and eczema. 

Researchers found that dog ownership among children with dog allergies may reduce the risk of developing eczema by age 4 years.

The results provided interesting information regarding pet ownership. The researchers found that children who tested positive for dog sensitivities  were less likely to develop eczema by age four years if they owned a dog before age one year.

Children With Cat Allergies

Unlike dog ownership, cat ownership seemed to have a negative effect on children who are allergic to cats.  Children who owned a cat before age one year and were allergic to cats based on a skin allergy test were 13 times more likely to develop eczema by age 4 years.  However children who were not allergic to cats were not at an increased risk for eczema if they owned a cat.

Dr. Tolly Epstein  an allergist-immunologist  who specialize in Allergy & Immunology, suggests that parents of children at risk for eczema may want to consider these findings when choosing a family pet

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Therapeutic Garments For People and Their Pets