Menstrual Cramps or Abdominal Pain:However, Whenever, Wherever the Pain, There Is WhatEver PocKits
Menstrual cramps are throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Many women experience menstrual cramps just before and during their menstrual periods. Pain usually is felt in the lower abdomen or back. They cramps can be mild to severe. Heat or ice wraps helps by placing them on your stomach or back. Try using both kinds of packs to see which is best for you. Try using both kinds of packs to see which is best for you. Never place a hot pack or cold pack directly on the skin. To protect the skin from heat or burns, the WhatEver Pockits kit can be used.
Heat for Abdominal Pain and Menstrual Cramps:
Cramps are caused by contractions in the uterus. Heat is an excellent and easy home therapy for abdominal pain like menstrual cramps. When heat is applied to the lower abdomen, circulation increases in that area, allowing the uterus which is a muscle to relax.
Applying heat to your abdomen and lower back may relieve pain as effectively as medicine. The WhatEver PocKit kit can be configured and used as an heat wrap and place on the stomach. The wrap can be used lying down, sitting down, or standing up. Massaging the abdomen with the heat wrap placed on the stomach may also bring some relief. Massaging increases the blood flow and circulation to the uterus.
Walking And Menstrual Cramps
Walking is effective in reducing menstrual pain because it improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. The WhatEver PocKit kit can also be used while walking.
Ice for Abdominal Pain and Menstrual Cramps:
Some women find a cold pack to be more effective than hot packs in relieving pain. Cold pack helps constrict blood vessels, which provides relief from the cramps. For some women, a build-up of blood in their pelvis may be the culprit behind their cramps, in which case an ice pack is actually more useful than a heat pack. The cold from the ice pack works to draw the blood out of the pelvis and towards the extremities.
Most cramps are not serious and don’t signal that something is wrong with your body. If you have severe cramps it advisable to consult with your doctor.
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