Therapeutic Dog Wrap
The WhatEver PocKits Therapeutic Dog Wrap is an assemblages of pockets, for the insertion of ice/heat packs. The wrap is a fleece material which come in two colors beige and burguny.
Your dog can use the Therapeutic Dog Wrap to warm up its muscles before exercise, thus reducing the risk of strains or injury. Most importantly, the Therapeutic Dog wrap has the dual capacity to prevent injury as well as ease and expedite the recovery of already present injuries. This dog wrap may help arthritic dogs to move more comfortably.
We designed this Therapeutic Dog Wrap with small dogs in mind; young, old, hard-working athletes or the family pet. The Therapeutic Dog Wrap will fit comfortably around a small dogs body. After the ice/heat packs are inserted into the pockets of the wrap it can be positioned anywhere on your little dogs body. This flexibility allows our dog wrap to be used for targeted therapy of ailments like arthritis, or to regulate a pet’s body temperature. The wrap is a soft pliable fleece material which allows your little pet to move as it normally would. This wrap is machine washable.
Length: 60 inches; Width 7 inches.
Four closeable pockets: Length 3.5 inches; Width 3.5 inches
One non closeable pocket: Length 7.0 inches; Width 7.0 inches
The Therapeutic Dog Wrap comes with four removable ice/heat packs, and four plastic bags. The plastic bags can be used when dry heat is preferred.
The Therapeutic Dog Wrap comes with removable ice/heat packs. We purchase the ice/heat packs from The Ice Pack Store, the packs are:(1) High performance; (2) Longer lasting thaw time, the ice packs will generally stay frozen from 24-36 hours in an insulated container. At room temperature, about 3-4 hours. Most importantly, they will stay frozen longer than ice. (3) Won’t leak or release water when thawed. (4) Reusable HUNDREDS of times. (5) Can be micro waved to create heat packs. (6) Safe & non-toxic. May be used to comply with OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. For more information about the packs click here:
Post: Grieving Pet Parents