Benefits Of Massaging Your Pet

Massaging Your Pet

There are many benefits of massaging your pets. Dogs and cats love the hands on touch of their owners. Some dogs even love to be kneaded/massaged by a cat.

More and more veterinarians are including massage as part of rehabilitation programs.

How Massage Benefits Your Dog Or Cat?

Massage provides overall wellbeing for your pet. There are MANY additional benefits beyond the ones listed below:

  • Increases circulation
  • Flexibility and range of motion is improved
  • Develops and maintains muscles tone
  • Helps relieve stiffness and joint discomfort
  • Speeds up rehabilitation after surgeries and other traumas
  • Improves muscle tone, spinal/body alignment
  • Increases energy, concentration and alertness
  • Reduces anxiety and stress; eases emotional traumas
  • Promotes blood and lymph circulation
  • Heightens immune system function
  • Builds trust, self-confidence and sociability
  • Promotes longevity and slows degenerative processes
  • Massaging is a natural process that you can use to help your pets maintain a better quality of life.

Marathon Runners And Their Dogs

There are many runners who take their dogs on training runs with them. Marathon runners know the importance of warming up before a run, and cooling down after a run. Many runners also know the benefits of a massage before and after a run for themselves, and their canine running partner.

Dogs And Cats That Do Not Go Outside

Some dog owners are not able to take their dog for daily walks, and many cat owners do not allow their cats to go outside to roam around. As a result, the dog or cat puts on excess weight, because there is no way of burning off excess calories. Moving back and forth to the food dish is not enough exercise.

The excess weight makes it harder for your pets to breathe, and puts additional strain on their hearts and joints. The excess weight makes it difficult for the cat or dog to have full range of motion which require the use of the large joints. The large joint movement has the effect of increasing the movement of tissue fluid from the extremities to the heart, aka, lymphatic drainage (their immune system).

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