Dealing With The Loss Of A Pet

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Dying Dog Or Pet Can Have A Devastating Effect On The Family

Dying Dog: Most pet owners have experienced the devastating effects of losing a treasured companion. A dying dog can have the same emotional impact as losing a family member. There are no easy answers and each person grieves in his own way and time. Just recognize your feelings are real and justified.

Dying Dog Or Pet

End of Life Choices

Always consult a veterinarian to confirm a terminal diagnosis. There may be underlying treatable conditions you didn’t recognize. Caring for a dying dog or pet forces you to make some difficult choices. It is imperative to place the care and comfort of your faithful friend before your own needs or desires.

Assess your pet’s quality of life. Is he in pain? Does he still respond to or offer interaction with family members or other pets? Be prepared to accept responsibility for your dying pet’s care and comfort if you and your veterinarian determine hospice care is a viable option. The decision should not be made lightly.

It may not be possible for your dying pet to pass in the comfort of your loving arms. You may face the heartbreaking decision of euthanasia. Do not be afraid to discuss the topic with your veterinarian. You may know it is the humane thing to do but you do not have to make the decision alone. Your veterinarian can help you make the choice that is right for you and your pet.


A dying pet may be a child’s first experience with death. Try to resist the temptation to minimize the pet’s condition in a well-meaning effort to protect the child. Studies have shown that children who have time to prepare are better emotionally equipped to cope with the loss.

Follow your child’s lead. Allow the child to express his grief or fears but don’t be overly concerned if he doesn’t share his feelings. We all grieve in our own way. The same holds true for children.


It is unlikely you will choose to host a formal funeral but most families choose some type of memorial to honor the life and death of their beloved pet. Making a scrapbook of favorite pictures offers a means for families to reminisce and share their feelings. Many families choose to plant a tree in remembrance or spread their pet’s ashes in a favorite location. There is no right or wrong. Only what is right for you.

Senior Dogs Require Extra Care

Dog hospice

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