However, Whenever, Wherever
The Flash,
There Is WhatEver PocKits
Hot Flashes Common Complaints: One of the most common complaints about menopause is hot flashes or night sweats, affecting three-quarters of all women in perimenopause (the period before actual menopause). One out of every two women in menopause has at least one hot flash each day and they continue for up to five years in 1 out of 10 women.
Hot Flashes
A hot flash is a feeling of intense heat, not caused by external sources. Hot flashes can appear suddenly or you may feel them coming on. You may experience: Tingling in you fingers. Your heart beating faster than usual. The skin starting to feel hot. Your face getting red and profuse sweating.
While the onset, duration, frequency, and severity of a flash varies greatly between women, hot flashes often begin one or two years before a woman’s last period and can last anywhere from six months to fifteen years.
Hot weather is a big hot flash trigger, and in the summer it’s not as easy to find immediate relief from a hot flash. It’s easy to a women going through menopause, there is that dazed and dreaded look that precedes the hot flash; the droplets of sweat forming on her upper lip; the fanning, and the damp clothes due to the body sweat.
We don’t know yet what causes hot flashes but it’s believed they’re related to hormone changes in the body.
Some women barely notice having hot flashes or consider them an annoyance, but other women may find them so bad that the hot flashes affect their quality of life.
Menopause: Relief
Here are some easy ways to find relief for hot flashes: Dressing in layers, even on the coldest days, so you can adjust your clothing to how you are feeling. Sipping ice water at the start of a hot flash. Wearing cotton night clothes and use cotton bed linens.
Keeping a thermos of ice water and an ice pack on your bedside table. When ice packs are inserted into the pockets of the WhatEver PocKit kit it can be used as a pillow or small blanket. The WhatEver PocKit kit can even be configured and worn on the body as a cooling garment.
For more information on menopause click here.